Workflow Evansville

Refresh Evansville

Evansville Water and Sewer Utility has developed a long-range systematic approach to replacing the City’s aging water infrastructure. The initiative, named Refresh Evansville, was launched in 2016. The goal is to replace multiple miles of water line each year. With more than 1,000 miles of pipe in the water distribution network, including approximately 600 miles of cast iron pipe with an average age of over 90 years, it will take decades to completely upgrade the entire system. 

Water Line Replacement

In the assessment phase, the Utility looks for areas of frequent breaks where it would be most costly and impactful if another break happens. This can result in whole neighborhoods selected for water line replacement or only a single line. These annual ongoing improvements will ensure our children and future generations to come will enjoy safe, clean drinking water.

Download the Refresh Evansville Customer Information Kit to learn more about the program and how construction projects impact your home.

Learn more about Refresh Evansville’s active projects, and stay up-to-date on Twitter at @RefreshEville.