Workflow Evansville
A close up of a black water meter in a dirt ground.

Start or Stop Service

Changing the status of your Utility services is easy. Please see the instructions below to start, stop or transfer Evansville Water and Sewer Utility (EWSU) services.

Irrigation Service

Activating or deactivating your existing irrigation account is simple. You can complete it without contacting EWSU Customer Service. Complete and submit the irrigation service form.

You may deactivate the irrigation account and stop billing during months when the irrigation system is not in use, and reactivate the account when you are ready to use your irrigation system again. To reactivate, simply complete the form again. A deposit is added to the account on the first month’s bill after activation, and is reimbursed to you on the last bill of the season.

Start Service

If you are moving and want to establish a new Utility account, please complete and submit the move-in service form

If you need to stop service at an existing location with us, please also submit a move-out service form detailed in the next section.

If you are a renter or tenant, you will be asked to upload your lease agreement or a photo of your lease agreement. A Customer Service representative will contact you if additional information is needed. 

Stop Service 

Stopping service is easy. Complete and submit the move-out service form. A Customer Service representative may contact you if more information is needed.

Split Meter Service

If you use a sprinkler system (irrigation system), own a swimming pool or water your lawn regularly and want to avoid increased sewer charges, you may apply for split meter service

The water diverted through the split meter will not be assessed a sewer fee; however, the split meter service fee includes costs for the second meter, inspection of the installation and application processing. You will be assessed the standard base water rate for split service. 

Learn more about the split meter application process.

Reconnect Service

Avoiding disconnection and steps to take to reconnect your water service

We want to work with you to avoid shutting off your water service. If you are behind on your bill payments and have received a disconnect notice, please contact us prior to your disconnect date to see if you qualify for payment arrangements. Extensions are not permitted after the disconnect date has passed. 

If you received a "disconnect notice"

If you miss a monthly payment for your water service, Evansville Water and Sewer Utility will send you a "disconnect notice" in the mail or through e-billing. If you receive a disconnect notice, please follow the instructions below to avoid being disconnected or turn your water service back on.

How can I avoid being disconnected?

  1. After receiving notice of disconnect, you must pay your water bill within 14 days or your service will be disconnected.   
  2. Use this payment arrangement request form to start the process online immediately.  If using the form, please allow two days prior to your disconnection date to allow time to process.  
  3. If you know you cannot make your payment before disconnection is scheduled to occur, contact us prior to your disconnection date at 812-436-7846 to learn if you qualify for assistance or payment arrangement options. Our customer service is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM. 
  4. You must contact us on or before your scheduled disconnect date to  avoid being shut off and to make payment arrangements. A number of payment assistance options can also be found here.

If you are disconnected and need service reconnected 

If your account has been disconnected, please follow the below steps to restore service on your account. 

  • Pay the full amount of past due charges that appear on your disconnect notice. You can do this by going online to the MyWater EWSU Portal.  
  • Fill out the Reconnect Service Form. You will need your account number, amount paid, and confirmation of your payment.

Once completed, our team will process and reconnect your service. Reconnections typically occur the same day, but can take up to 24 hours. At the time of reconnection, please make sure all of your valves and faucets are in the off position to avoid any running water during the reconnection process. Please note, a $45.00 fee will be added to your account.

Additional Resources